On Australian Shores: Survivor Stories - Film Poster.
Our latest documentary, On Australian Shores: Survivor Stories, will be screening nationally on NITV and SBS on Demand, after SBS bought the licence rights from June 2022 for three years.
In the 1970s and 1980s, Kimberley Aboriginal workers were involved in weed spraying campaigns organised by the Agricultural Protection Board of Western Australia. They received no training or protection equipment. They were told the chemicals they were mixing and spraying by hand were safe to use. Unbeknownst to them, they were spraying Agent Orange - a mixture of 2,4,5-T and 2,4-D herbicides. The film retraces their stories of loss, grief and inter-generational health impacts of this terrible negligence.
I was interviewed by Paul Gregoire, journalist for Sydney Criminal Lawyers, about the documentary, the research behind it, and the reasons why it is so important those voices be heard. You can read the interview here.
This story was also featured in the NACCHO Bulletin (National Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Organisation) - you can read it here.